Important Notice: The leverage on several trading pairs over the coming weekends will be changed in response to market volatility and potential illiquidity around the holiday season. We kindly ask you to monitor your margin levels accordingly to ensure that your trading activities remain unaffected.
Effective from this weekend, the leverage on the following pairs will be adjusted as follows:
We strongly advise you to review your current positions and adjust your margin levels as necessary to prevent any unexpected margin calls or position liquidations.
For active trades, it is necessary to consider the factors which could affect the price as well as the
market sentiment and trend dynamics for longer timeframes. Generally, daily analytical reviews deal with
intra-day currency dynamics. But, at the same time, it is important to understand and consider the global
market situation.
In our weekly video reviews, possible trading scenarios for the upcoming trading week are analyzed. This
information is of key importance for traders when they form their trading strategy for the week. Video
information is easier to understand, thus, traders may size up the current market situation more quickly.